Welcome to One Animation Studios Alliance!

One Animation Studios Alliance (1ASA) is a pioneering collective of animation studios dedicated to showcasing the finest in animated storytelling. United by a passion for creativity and innovation, our alliance brings together some of the most talented and visionary animation studios from around the globe.

Our Mission

At 1ASA, our mission is to create a vibrant and collaborative community where animation studios can share their intellectual properties (IPs), inspire one another, and push the boundaries of what’s possible in animation. We aim to provide a platform that celebrates diversity in storytelling and artistic expression, fostering an environment where creativity thrives.

Who We Are

We are a network of animation enthusiasts, storytellers, and creators who believe in the power of collaboration. Our members range from seasoned industry veterans to emerging studios, each bringing unique perspectives and styles to the table. By joining forces, we amplify our collective voice and reach, ensuring that innovative and compelling animated content receives the recognition it deserves.

What We Do

  • Showcase IPs: We provide a dedicated platform for animation studios to showcase their original works, allowing for greater visibility and appreciation of their creations.
  • Collaborative Projects: 1ASA encourages collaboration among member studios, fostering partnerships that lead to groundbreaking animated projects.
  • Networking Opportunities: We host online events, workshops, and webinars, offering our members valuable opportunities to connect, learn, and grow together.
  • Industry Advocacy: 1ASA advocates for the animation industry, promoting the interests of our members and championing the value of animated storytelling.

Why Join Us?

Joining One Animation Studios Alliance means becoming part of a supportive and dynamic community that values creativity, collaboration, and innovation. Our members benefit from shared resources, increased exposure, and the opportunity to be part of a collective that is shaping the future of animation.